Our habits in thinking and feeling impact our actions.
Mind-body habits form over the course of our lives in direct response to our environment and life experiences. We learn and adapt to rules laid down in our families, neighborhoods, friend groups, workplaces, religious institutions, societies.
During this developmental process we learn to adapt in order to fit in, sometimes as a matter of survival. We forget who we are at our core, and turn away from what we really believe and how we really feel.
This catches up with us. Many of my clients have reached a point in their lives in which their conditioned patterns no longer serve them. They feel stuck, miserable, or stressed (or all three). They don’t know how to live differently, and yet they now find their lives are unmanageable.
The good new is you can absolutely change, and it doesn’t need to be hard.
We can change our learned habits.
As a mind-body coach I support you to cultivate awareness of your mind-body system—how your mind affects your body and vice versa. This approach involves looking at your life and uncovering your unique mind-body conditioning that is influencing your life situations in real time.
How will mind-body coaching help me?
Awareness is the first step towards change. When you become aware of the dynamic interplay of thoughts, emotions and physical sensations that perpetuate habitual patterns of behavior, you can then experiment with changing these patterns in your life.
Simply bringing attention to your lived experiences helps you become aware of how your perceptions are influence by previous life experiences and how they impact your future behavior. And, you connect more directly to innate body and mind signals that show you what is best for you in any moment.
You begin to skillfully interpret and trust your body's built-in YES and NO signals. The body never lies.
You become more adept at relaxing tension, releasing suppressed energy and freeing up creative energy that was bound in reactivity patterns.
You practice new thoughts that bring about better feeling energy.
You skillfully discern and direct your life-force energy into the experiences and activities you choose.
You become more aligned with your life and more connected to a larger sense of purpose and meaning.